CNP ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΤΙΚΗ (Υποκατάστημα Ελλάδος) - Career


CNP ASFALISTIKI (Greek Branch), based on the human-centred philosophy of CNP ASSURANCES’ Group, offers a high quality work environment with career advancement opportunities through specialized training and support provided to its human resources.

As an international Group, with presence in 14 European countries and 2 Latin American countries and over 5,000 employees worldwide, we are looking for suitable candidates who are interested in working in the constantly growing, innovative and dynamic environment of the insurance sector. If you are interested in a job opportunity with CNP ASFALISTIKI (Greek Branch), you can refer to the following fields:

Job Vacancies
There are no vacancies at the moment.

Submit your Interest
If you are interested in working with us, submit your interest by sending your CV at [email protected]

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